Homeopathy derives from the Greek words Homeo Pathus, meaning Similar Suffering, and works according to the theory that "Like cures Like". This theory was first identified by Hippocrates (460-377 BC), and later developed into Homeopathy by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843).
All aspects of your person will be explored to identify your individual picture of health and presentation of symptoms. From here, a remedy is chosen that stimulates your body's innate healing system, returning you to balance.
Homeopathy is gentle, safe, evidence-based & can be used alongside conventional treatments. It has little to no side effects, and is suitable for all ages and stages of life. A wide range of complaints can be helped through a personalised approach, alongside remedies derived from natural & sustainable sources.

Further Reading
What is Homeopathy: https://homeopathy-soh.org/homeopathy-explained/what-is-homeopathy/
What to expect seeing a Homeopath: https://homeopathy-soh.org/homeopathy-explained/seeing-a-homeopath/
Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy: https://www.hri-research.org/resources/homeopathy-faqs/scientific-evidence-for-homeopathy/ ​
More on "Like cures Like": https://www.hri-research.org/resources/homeopathy-faqs/like-cures-like/